
Strength Based Leadership and Your Behavior Style

By Marcheta Gillespie posted 02-04-2014 19:09

Last week, I had the honor of attending and participating in the 1st Annual NIGP Chapter Leadership Symposium.  It was a tremendously successful event that brought together approximately 60 chapter leaders from over 50 chapters throughout North America.  In addition, NIGP staff and the NIGP Board of Directors participated and had the opportunity to build and expand partnerships with this incredible chapter leaders.  As part of the prep work for the event, we all were asked to complete two analysis surveys:  the Behavior Style Self Assessment and the Strengths-Based Leadership Analysis.  Both bodies of work stem from the works of Tom Rath and Barry Conchie, both with Gallop, and as authored in the book "Strengths Based Leadership".

At the symposium, our facilitators walked us through what the results of our survey results and helped us understand how to use those results to not only understand more about ourselves, but more importantly how we relate to other styles and leadership approaches.  We talked about the importance of understanding the strengths of other styles, ways to match those strengths to our teams/chapters and the importance of balance in those teams/chapters.

Although not surprised by my results (I'm considered a "persuader"/"controller" who has a heavy focus on being a "relator", "strategist" and "achiever" with strong "beliefs" and "self assurance".  Yes, I know my husband will be shocked (lol!)....but I very much appreciated the insights into those areas that I'm not as strong in, so I can continue to focus on surrounding myself with those who carry those strengths.  At the end of the day, I'm a firm believer in managing by team.  Yes, as Director at the City of Tucson and as President of NIGP, I may have those occassions where I need to make sole decisions and/or provide direction.  However, I find that more often than not, the team approach to leading is most successful, most effective and most rewarding. 

How about you?  Have you ever taken time to consider the "type" of leader you really are....your strengths, but more importantly your weaknesses?  We ALL have weaknesses....but it's what we do about dealing with those weaknesses that is important.  I highly recommend the book and the surveys.  I felt they were pretty much on the mark.  Of course, no survey and no book can take the place of dialogue and discussion with those you work closely with.  But, they make for good discussion starters!

My sincere thanks and hats off to Jennifer Steffan, for creating the vision for this event, and to the entire NIGP team for making it happen.  And I'm particularly thankful to all the chapters and leaders who supported the event by attending, helping to support it financially and sharing your feedback with us on how to make the event even better next year.  The Leadership Olympics was a blast!  I'm already looking for ways to introduce it in my own organization.  Made alot of new friends at this event (shout out to my new Canadian friends!), reconnected with old friends and was truly honored to be a part of this incredible event.

Thank you everyone!!
