
Ms. Shawn Postera, NIGP-CPP

Multnomah County Purchasing

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Multnomah County Purchasing


Leads with curiosity & compassion, & connects the seemingly chaotic to achieve big picture results.

Committed to creating tools that are practical guides that initiate systemic change in the purchase of goods and services that have measurable outcomes in the form of positive impacts by infusing sustainability values into how we procure goods and services. Assist stakeholders through intentional and thoughtful processes that assess organizational readiness, describe current directions and strategies, identify inequities and injustices, all the while allowing space to reflect upon and understand strengths, challenges, and ways to eliminate injustices, celebrate successes and lessons learned for continual improvement.

Integrating equity into our work at all levels of an organization takes time, commitment, resources, an innovative supportive culture, and the ability to maintain a sense of urgency while simultaneously practicing humility and patience.